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Smile Perfections

Smile Perfections Dental & Cosmetic Clinic

  • 34 Harborough Road
  • Leicester
  • LE2 4LA
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Hyperhidrosis is the clinical term for excessive sweating. Everybody sweats – it’s the body’s natural cooling mechanism, and happens to everyone in hot weather, during exercise or at times of anxiety. However, for approximately one per cent of the population, constant and excessive sweating is a real problem. The sympathetic nervous system, which controls sweating, is in constant overdrive, meaning that sufferers sweat all the time.

This can be socially embarrassing and can cause sufferers to become very unhappy, to have to change clothes frequently and feel self-conscious about shaking hands, hugging or even holding hands with a partner. Even simple tasks such as using a pen or a computer keyboard can become difficult. The problem affects both men and women of all ages and often starts in the teenage years.

Hyperhidrosis can affect any area of the body and even the whole body. Most commonly it affects the hands, feet, underarms, face, scalp, buttocks, groin, back, neck and legs.

At Smile Perfections, we offer treatment for hyperhidrosis using nerve dulling injections. This is a proven method of alleviating the symptoms of hyperhidrosis and is carried out here at the practice by our fully qualified, experienced practitioner.

A nerve dulling agent is carefully injected into the skin in areas of the body affected by hyperhidrosis. It helps to reduce the amount of sweat produced by blocking the signals from the brain to the sweat glands.

The procedure is largely painless, but local anaesthetic can be used if necessary. Between 15 and 20 injections are given in the affected area of the body, and the total procedure typically lasts less than an hour – between 30 and 45 minutes in total depending on the areas being treated.

Treatment for hyperhidrosis is not permanent but should last for several months, after which you should return for repeat treatment.


HYPERHIDROSIS LEICESTER – Frequently Asked Questions

What is hyperhidrosis and how does it differ from normal sweating?

Understanding Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition characterised by excessive sweating that goes beyond the body’s normal requirements for thermoregulation and cooling.

Overactive sweat glands

In hyperhidrosis, sweat glands become hyperactive, producing more perspiration than necessary, often without typical triggers like heat or exercise.

Quality of life impact

This condition can significantly affect an individual’s daily life, causing social embarrassment, discomfort, and even limiting career choices or personal relationships.

Types of Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis can be categorised into two main types, each with distinct characteristics and underlying causes.

Primary focal hyperhidrosis

This type affects specific areas of the body, typically the underarms, palms, soles, or face, and often begins in childhood or adolescence.

Secondary generalised hyperhidrosis

Caused by an underlying medical condition or medication, this type usually affects the entire body and may occur at any age.

Normal Sweating vs. Hyperhidrosis

While sweating is a natural bodily function, hyperhidrosis represents an extreme version that exceeds physiological needs.

Sweat volume

In hyperhidrosis, the amount of sweat produced is significantly higher than what’s required for body temperature regulation.

Situational context

Normal sweating typically occurs in response to heat, exercise, or stress, whereas hyperhidrosis can happen at any time, even in cool environments or during rest.

Diagnosing Hyperhidrosis

Identifying hyperhidrosis involves a combination of patient history, physical examination, and sometimes specialised tests.

Gravimetric testing

This quantitative method measures the amount of sweat produced in a specific area over a set period, helping to differentiate between normal sweating and hyperhidrosis.

Starch-iodine test

A visual assessment that helps identify areas of excessive sweating by showing colour changes where sweat is produced.

Impact of Hyperhidrosis on Daily Life

The excessive sweating associated with hyperhidrosis can have far-reaching effects on various aspects of a person’s life.

Psychological distress

Many individuals with hyperhidrosis experience anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem due to their condition.

Occupational challenges

Excessive sweating can interfere with job performance, especially in professions requiring physical contact or manual dexterity.

Treatment Options for Hyperhidrosis

Various treatments are available to manage hyperhidrosis, ranging from topical solutions to more advanced aesthetic procedures.

Botulinum toxin injections

This popular aesthetic treatment can effectively reduce excessive sweating by temporarily blocking the nerve signals that stimulate sweat glands.


A non-invasive treatment that uses a mild electrical current to reduce sweating, particularly effective for palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis.

Understanding the difference between normal sweating and hyperhidrosis is crucial for those seeking treatment. While everyone sweats to some degree, hyperhidrosis represents a significant deviation from the norm, often requiring professional intervention. If you’re concerned about excessive sweating, consulting with a qualified aesthetic practitioner can help determine if you have hyperhidrosis and explore appropriate treatment options to improve your quality of life.

Which areas of the body can be treated for hyperhidrosis at your clinic?

Common Hyperhidrosis Treatment Areas

Our clinic offers advanced hyperhidrosis treatments for several areas of the body where excessive sweating commonly occurs. These treatments are tailored to address specific concerns and improve your quality of life.

Axillary hyperhidrosis

We provide effective solutions for excessive underarm sweating, one of the most frequent complaints among our patients.

Palmar hyperhidrosis

Treatment for excessively sweaty palms can significantly improve hand function and social confidence.

Facial Hyperhidrosis Solutions

Facial sweating can be particularly distressing, affecting one’s appearance and self-esteem. Our clinic offers specialised treatments for various facial areas.

Forehead and scalp

We can target excessive sweating in the upper face region, helping to reduce uncomfortable dripping and maintain a fresh appearance.

Perioral region

Treatment around the mouth area can help manage excessive sweating that may interfere with eating, drinking, or applying makeup.

Lower Body Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Excessive sweating in the lower body can cause significant discomfort and inconvenience. Our clinic addresses these concerns with targeted therapies.

Plantar hyperhidrosis

We offer treatments to combat excessive foot sweating, helping to reduce discomfort and minimise the risk of fungal infections.

Groin area

Delicate treatments are available for managing excessive sweating in the groin region, improving comfort and confidence.

Trunk Hyperhidrosis Management

Excessive sweating on the body’s trunk can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Our clinic provides solutions for these less commonly discussed areas.

Back and chest

We offer treatments to reduce excessive sweating on the back and chest, helping patients feel more comfortable in various clothing styles.

Comprehensive Hyperhidrosis Approach

For patients experiencing generalised hyperhidrosis, our clinic takes a holistic approach to manage excessive sweating across multiple body areas.

Customised treatment plans

We develop personalised strategies that may combine different modalities to address widespread hyperhidrosis effectively.

Specialised Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Our clinic employs advanced techniques to treat hyperhidrosis in less common or more challenging areas.

Gustatory sweating

We offer specialised treatments for Frey’s syndrome or gustatory sweating, which causes facial sweating during eating.

Combination Therapies for Hyperhidrosis

In some cases, a multi-faceted approach yields the best results for managing hyperhidrosis across different body areas.

Synergistic treatments

We may recommend a combination of topical, injectable, and device-based therapies to achieve optimal results for complex cases of hyperhidrosis.

Our clinic is equipped to treat a wide range of body areas affected by hyperhidrosis, ensuring that we can address your specific concerns. During your consultation, our experienced practitioners will assess your individual needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. Whether you’re struggling with excessive sweating in one particular area or multiple regions of your body, we’re here to help you find relief and regain your confidence.

How long do the effects of hyperhidrosis treatment typically last?

Duration of Hyperhidrosis Treatments

The longevity of hyperhidrosis treatments varies depending on the chosen method and individual factors. Understanding these differences can help patients make informed decisions about their excessive sweating management.

Botulinum Toxin Injections

Botulinum toxin (commonly known as Botox) injections for hyperhidrosis typically last between 4 to 12 months.


Over-the-counter and prescription-strength antiperspirants provide temporary relief, usually lasting from a few hours to several days.

Factors Influencing Treatment Efficacy

Several elements can impact how long hyperhidrosis treatments remain effective:

Severity of Excessive Sweating

Individuals with more severe hyperhidrosis may experience shorter periods of relief compared to those with milder cases.

Treatment Adherence

Consistent application of prescribed treatments and following aftercare instructions can significantly extend the duration of effectiveness.

Long-Term Hyperhidrosis Solutions

For those seeking more enduring results, several long-term options are available:


This non-invasive electromagnetic treatment can provide permanent sweat reduction, with effects lasting years or even a lifetime for some patients.

Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS)

A surgical procedure that offers permanent results for palmar hyperhidrosis, though it carries risks and potential side effects.

Maintenance of Hyperhidrosis Treatment

To optimise treatment longevity, consider the following:

Regular Follow-ups

Scheduling periodic appointments with your aesthetics practitioner allows for timely adjustments to your hyperhidrosis management plan.

Combination Therapies

Employing multiple treatment modalities can enhance overall efficacy and prolong the effects of individual treatments.

Personalised Hyperhidrosis Management

Each patient’s experience with hyperhidrosis treatments can differ. Consulting with a qualified aesthetics professional is crucial for developing a tailored approach that addresses your unique needs and maximises treatment duration.

Remember that while some treatments offer temporary relief, others can provide long-lasting or even permanent solutions. Your aesthetics practitioner can guide you through the options to find the most suitable and enduring treatment for your hyperhidrosis concerns.

Is the hyperhidrosis treatment painful, and is anaesthetic used?

Pain Perception in Hyperhidrosis Treatments

The level of discomfort experienced during hyperhidrosis treatments can vary depending on the specific procedure and individual pain tolerance. Most patients report minimal to moderate discomfort, which is generally well-tolerated.

Botulinum Toxin Injections

These injections typically cause only mild discomfort, often described as a slight pinching sensation.


This non-invasive electromagnetic treatment may cause some temporary soreness or swelling, but the procedure itself is generally not considered painful.

Anaesthetic Options for Hyperhidrosis Procedures

To ensure patient comfort, various anaesthetic options are available for hyperhidrosis treatments. The choice of anaesthetic depends on the specific procedure and patient preferences.

Topical Anaesthetics

A numbing cream is often applied to the treatment area before botulinum toxin injections or other minimally invasive procedures.

Local Anaesthesia

For more extensive treatments, such as MiraDry, local anaesthesia may be administered to numb the targeted areas completely.

Comfort Measures During Hyperhidrosis Treatment

Aesthetics practitioners employ various techniques to enhance patient comfort during hyperhidrosis procedures:

Ice Packs

Applying cold compresses before and after treatment can help reduce discomfort and minimise potential swelling.

Distraction Techniques

Practitioners may engage patients in conversation or provide entertainment options to help divert attention from any potential discomfort.

Post-Treatment Comfort for Hyperhidrosis Patients

After the procedure, patients may experience some temporary sensations:


Mild soreness in the treated areas is common but typically subsides within a few days.

Temporary Numbness

Some patients report a brief period of numbness following treatment, which is a normal part of the healing process.

Managing Expectations for Hyperhidrosis Procedures

Understanding what to expect can help alleviate anxiety and improve the overall treatment experience:

Pre-Treatment Consultation

Your aesthetics practitioner will discuss the procedure in detail, addressing any concerns about potential discomfort and explaining the available pain management options.

Individualised Approach

Treatment plans can be tailored to accommodate patients with lower pain thresholds or specific comfort requirements.

Most patients find that the benefits of hyperhidrosis treatment far outweigh any temporary discomfort experienced during the procedure. With the use of appropriate anaesthetics and comfort measures, these treatments are generally well-tolerated and can significantly improve quality of life for those struggling with excessive sweating.

How soon can I return to normal activities after a hyperhidrosis treatment?

Immediate Post-Treatment Recovery

The recovery time following hyperhidrosis treatment varies depending on the specific procedure and individual factors. Generally, most patients can resume their daily activities relatively quickly.

Botulinum Toxin Injections

Patients who receive botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis can typically return to normal activities immediately after treatment.


Those undergoing MiraDry treatment may need to rest for the remainder of the day but can usually resume most activities within 24-48 hours.

Gradual Return to Activities Post-Hyperhidrosis Treatment

While many daily activities can be resumed quickly, certain activities may require a brief waiting period:

Exercise and Strenuous Activities

It’s advisable to avoid intense physical exertion for 24-48 hours following most hyperhidrosis treatments to minimise swelling and optimise results.

Swimming and Saunas

Patients should refrain from swimming, using saunas, or exposing the treated areas to excessive heat for at least 24 hours post-treatment.

Work Considerations for Hyperhidrosis Patients

Most individuals can return to work shortly after their hyperhidrosis treatment:

Office-Based Jobs

Those with desk jobs or non-physical work can typically return to their workplace the day after treatment.

Manual Labour

Patients with physically demanding jobs may need to take 1-2 days off, depending on the treatment area and intensity of their work.

Aftercare for Optimal Hyperhidrosis Treatment Results

Following your aesthetics practitioner’s aftercare instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery and optimal results:

Treated Area Care

Avoid touching, rubbing, or applying pressure to the treated areas for the first 24-48 hours to prevent irritation and ensure proper absorption of the treatment.

Hygiene Practices

Maintain good hygiene but avoid using harsh soaps or exfoliants on the treated areas for a few days post-treatment.

Monitoring Progress After Hyperhidrosis Treatment

As you return to your normal routine, it’s important to be aware of your body’s response to the treatment:

Gradual Onset

The full effects of some hyperhidrosis treatments, such as botulinum toxin injections, may take up to two weeks to become fully apparent.

Follow-Up Appointments

Attend any scheduled follow-up appointments with your aesthetics practitioner to assess the treatment’s effectiveness and address any concerns.

Long-Term Management of Hyperhidrosis

As you resume your daily activities, consider incorporating these practices for ongoing management of hyperhidrosis:

Lifestyle Modifications

Gradually reintroduce activities that may trigger excessive sweating, allowing your body to adjust to the treatment’s effects.

Maintenance Treatments

Discuss with your practitioner the optimal timing for any necessary maintenance treatments to sustain the results of your hyperhidrosis management.

Most patients find that the minimal downtime associated with hyperhidrosis treatments allows for a quick return to their normal routines. By following your practitioner’s guidance and listening to your body, you can ensure a smooth recovery and enjoy the benefits of reduced sweating with minimal disruption to your daily life.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with hyperhidrosis treatments?

Common Side Effects of Hyperhidrosis Treatments

While hyperhidrosis treatments are generally safe and effective, some patients may experience mild, temporary side effects. These typically resolve on their own within a few days to weeks after treatment.

Injection Site Reactions

Patients receiving botulinum toxin injections may notice minor bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection sites.

Temporary Numbness

Some individuals report a brief period of numbness or altered sensation in the treated areas, particularly following MiraDry treatments.

Potential Risks of Botulinum Toxin for Hyperhidrosis

Botulinum toxin injections, while highly effective for managing excessive sweating, can occasionally lead to specific side effects:

Muscle Weakness

In rare cases, the toxin may affect nearby muscles, causing temporary weakness. This is more common when treating underarm hyperhidrosis.

Compensatory Sweating

Some patients may experience increased sweating in untreated areas as the body attempts to regulate temperature.

MiraDry-Specific Considerations for Hyperhidrosis Patients

MiraDry, a non-invasive electromagnetic treatment for axillary hyperhidrosis, has its own set of potential side effects:

Swelling and Soreness

Temporary swelling and soreness in the underarm area are common but typically subside within a few weeks.

Hair Loss

Some patients may experience a reduction in underarm hair growth, which can be either a desired or unintended effect depending on individual preferences.

Rare but Serious Risks in Hyperhidrosis Management

While uncommon, it’s important to be aware of potential serious complications:

Allergic Reactions

In very rare instances, patients may experience an allergic reaction to the treatment components. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and require immediate medical attention.


As with any procedure that breaks the skin barrier, there is a minimal risk of infection. Proper aftercare significantly reduces this risk.

Long-Term Effects of Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Most hyperhidrosis treatments have well-established safety profiles, but some considerations for long-term use include:

Antibody Formation

With repeated botulinum toxin treatments, a small percentage of patients may develop antibodies, potentially reducing treatment efficacy over time.

Skin Changes

Long-term use of strong antiperspirants or repeated treatments may lead to minor skin texture changes in some individuals.

Minimising Risks in Hyperhidrosis Management

To ensure the safest possible treatment experience, consider the following:

Qualified Practitioners

Choose a reputable, experienced aesthetics practitioner who specialises in hyperhidrosis treatments to minimise risks and optimise results.

Full Disclosure

Provide your practitioner with a comprehensive medical history, including any allergies, medications, or previous adverse reactions to aesthetic treatments.

Post-Treatment Vigilance for Hyperhidrosis Patients

After receiving any hyperhidrosis treatment, it’s crucial to monitor your body’s response:

Expected vs. Unexpected Symptoms

Familiarise yourself with the normal post-treatment effects and contact your practitioner if you experience any unusual or prolonged symptoms.

Follow-Up Care

Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and treatment efficacy.

While side effects and risks exist, they are generally minimal when hyperhidrosis treatments are performed by qualified professionals. The vast majority of patients find that the benefits of reduced sweating far outweigh the potential risks. Always discuss any concerns with your aesthetics practitioner, who can provide personalised advice based on your individual needs and medical history.

How many sessions are usually required to achieve optimal results for hyperhidrosis?

Initial Treatment Plan for Hyperhidrosis

The number of sessions required to achieve optimal results for hyperhidrosis varies depending on the treatment method, severity of the condition, and individual response. Most patients require a series of treatments to attain the desired outcome.

Botulinum Toxin Injections

Typically, a single session of botulinum toxin injections can provide significant relief from excessive sweating for 4-12 months.


Many patients experience satisfactory results after just one or two MiraDry treatments, with some requiring a third session for optimal outcomes.

Hyperhidrosis Treatment Frequency

The frequency of sessions depends on the chosen treatment modality and how well the patient responds to the initial intervention.

Maintenance Schedule

For botulinum toxin injections, patients often require follow-up treatments every 6-12 months to maintain results.

Gradual Improvement

Some treatments, like iontophoresis, may require multiple sessions per week initially, tapering off to maintenance treatments as symptoms improve.

Factors Affecting Hyperhidrosis Treatment Sessions

Several factors can influence the number of sessions needed to manage excessive sweating effectively:

Severity of Condition

Patients with more severe hyperhidrosis may require more frequent or intensive treatments to achieve desired results.

Treatment Response

Individual responses to treatment can vary, with some patients experiencing significant improvement after fewer sessions than others.

Customised Hyperhidrosis Management Plans

Aesthetics practitioners tailor treatment plans to each patient’s unique needs and response to therapy.

Combination Therapies

Some patients benefit from a combination of treatments, which may alter the overall number of sessions required for optimal results.

Adaptive Approach

Practitioners may adjust the treatment plan based on the patient’s progress, potentially increasing or decreasing the frequency of sessions.

Long-Term Hyperhidrosis Treatment Considerations

As treatment progresses, the focus shifts from initial management to long-term control of excessive sweating.

Cumulative Effects

Some treatments, like MiraDry, can have cumulative effects, potentially reducing the need for frequent sessions over time.

Lifestyle Integration

Patients may learn to integrate treatments into their routine, with some opting for regular ‘top-up’ sessions to maintain results.

Monitoring Hyperhidrosis Treatment Efficacy

Regular assessment of treatment outcomes helps determine the optimal number of sessions for each patient.

Progress Tracking

Keeping a sweat diary or using standardised assessment tools can help gauge the effectiveness of treatments and inform decisions about session frequency.

Follow-Up Appointments

Scheduled follow-ups allow practitioners to evaluate treatment success and make necessary adjustments to the management plan.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the number of sessions required for hyperhidrosis treatment, most patients find that a personalised approach yields the best results. Your aesthetics practitioner will work with you to develop a treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. Remember that consistency and patience are key in managing hyperhidrosis effectively, and the number of sessions may evolve as your treatment progresses and your body responds to the interventions.

Can hyperhidrosis treatments be combined with other aesthetic procedures?

Compatibility of Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Hyperhidrosis treatments can often be combined with other aesthetic procedures, offering patients a comprehensive approach to their cosmetic and medical concerns. However, the compatibility and timing of these combinations should be carefully considered by a qualified aesthetics practitioner.

Botulinum Toxin Versatility

Botulinum toxin injections, commonly used for hyperhidrosis, can be seamlessly integrated with other facial rejuvenation treatments.

Treatment Scheduling

Proper timing between procedures is crucial to ensure optimal results and minimise potential interactions.

Combining Hyperhidrosis and Facial Aesthetics

Many patients seek to address excessive sweating alongside other cosmetic concerns, particularly in the facial area.

Wrinkle Reduction

Botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis in the forehead can be combined with treatments for frown lines and crow’s feet during the same session.

Dermal Fillers

Practitioners can often perform dermal filler treatments in conjunction with hyperhidrosis management, enhancing overall facial aesthetics.

Body Contouring and Hyperhidrosis Management

For patients interested in both body sculpting and sweat reduction, certain combinations can prove beneficial.

CoolSculpting Synergy

CoolSculpting treatments for fat reduction can be scheduled alongside hyperhidrosis procedures, particularly for underarm concerns.

Skin Tightening

Non-invasive skin tightening treatments can complement hyperhidrosis management, especially in areas prone to both laxity and excessive sweating.

Skincare Treatments and Hyperhidrosis Solutions

Integrating hyperhidrosis treatments with overall skin health management can yield comprehensive results.

Chemical Peels

Gentle chemical peels can be performed in areas treated for hyperhidrosis, improving skin texture and tone while managing sweat production.


Microneedling sessions can be scheduled between hyperhidrosis treatments to enhance skin quality in treated areas.

Considerations for Combined Hyperhidrosis Procedures

While combining treatments can be beneficial, certain factors must be taken into account to ensure safety and efficacy.

Treatment Intervals

Your aesthetics practitioner will determine appropriate intervals between different procedures to allow for proper healing and optimal results.

Potential Interactions

Some combinations may require special considerations, such as adjusting treatment intensities or spacing out sessions to avoid interference.

Personalised Treatment Plans for Hyperhidrosis Patients

A bespoke approach is essential when combining hyperhidrosis treatments with other aesthetic procedures.

Comprehensive Consultation

Your practitioner will assess your overall aesthetic goals and medical history to create a tailored treatment plan that addresses all your concerns.

Sequential Approach

In some cases, a step-wise approach may be recommended, focusing on hyperhidrosis management before introducing additional aesthetic treatments.

Long-Term Management of Combined Treatments

Maintaining results from both hyperhidrosis and other aesthetic procedures requires ongoing care and follow-up.

Maintenance Schedule

Your practitioner will develop a long-term plan that balances the timing of hyperhidrosis treatments with other aesthetic maintenance procedures.

Adaptive Strategy

As your needs and response to treatments evolve, your combination therapy plan may be adjusted to ensure continued satisfaction.

Combining hyperhidrosis treatments with other aesthetic procedures can provide comprehensive results, addressing multiple concerns efficiently. However, it’s crucial to work with a skilled aesthetics practitioner who can navigate the complexities of combined treatments. By carefully planning and executing a personalised treatment strategy, patients can enjoy the benefits of reduced sweating alongside other desired aesthetic improvements, enhancing both their appearance and quality of life.

What should I do to prepare for a hyperhidrosis treatment appointment?

Pre-Treatment Consultation for Hyperhidrosis

Before your hyperhidrosis treatment, a thorough consultation with your aesthetics practitioner is essential. This initial step ensures that you receive the most appropriate and effective treatment for your excessive sweating concerns.

Medical History Review

Provide a comprehensive medical history, including any allergies, medications, and previous treatments for hyperhidrosis or other conditions.

Treatment Goals

Clearly communicate your expectations and desired outcomes to help your practitioner tailor the treatment plan to your specific needs.

Skincare Preparations for Hyperhidrosis Treatment

Proper skin preparation can enhance the effectiveness of your hyperhidrosis treatment and minimize potential side effects.

Cleansing Routine

On the day of your appointment, gently cleanse the treatment area with a mild, fragrance-free soap to remove any dirt, oils, or residual products.

Avoid Irritants

Refrain from using harsh skincare products, exfoliants, or topical medications in the treatment area for at least 24 hours before your appointment.

Lifestyle Adjustments Before Hyperhidrosis Procedure

Making certain lifestyle modifications in the days leading up to your treatment can help optimize results and reduce the risk of complications.


Ensure you’re well-hydrated in the days before your appointment, as this can improve overall skin health and treatment efficacy.

Alcohol and Caffeine

Avoid consuming alcohol and limit caffeine intake for 24-48 hours before your hyperhidrosis treatment, as these can affect sweat production and skin sensitivity.

Medication Considerations for Hyperhidrosis Patients

Certain medications can interfere with hyperhidrosis treatments or increase the risk of side effects. Consult your practitioner about any necessary adjustments.

Blood Thinners

If you’re taking blood-thinning medications, discuss with your practitioner whether you need to temporarily discontinue use before the treatment.


Inform your aesthetics professional about any supplements you’re taking, as some may need to be paused temporarily before the procedure.

Clothing and Comfort for Hyperhidrosis Treatment Day

Choosing appropriate attire can enhance your comfort during and after the treatment session.

Loose-Fitting Garments

Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that allows easy access to the treatment areas and minimizes friction on treated skin post-procedure.

Dark Colours

Opt for dark-coloured tops if you’re having underarm hyperhidrosis treatment, as there may be some residual markings from the procedure.

Documentation for Hyperhidrosis Consultation

Bringing relevant documents to your appointment can facilitate a more comprehensive treatment plan.

Previous Treatment Records

If you’ve had prior hyperhidrosis treatments or relevant medical procedures, bring any available records to share with your practitioner.

Sweat Diary

Consider keeping a diary of your sweating patterns for a few days before your appointment to provide your practitioner with detailed insights.

Mental Preparation for Hyperhidrosis Management

Approaching your treatment with the right mindset can contribute to a more positive experience and potentially better outcomes.

Relaxation Techniques

Practice relaxation methods such as deep breathing or meditation to help manage any pre-treatment anxiety.

Questions List

Prepare a list of questions or concerns to discuss with your practitioner during the consultation to ensure all your queries are addressed.

By following these preparation guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped for your hyperhidrosis treatment appointment. Remember that your aesthetics practitioner is there to support you throughout the process. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions or concerns before your scheduled visit. With proper preparation, you’re taking an important step towards effectively managing your hyperhidrosis and improving your quality of life.

How do I maintain the results of my hyperhidrosis treatment?

Post-Treatment Care for Hyperhidrosis Patients

Maintaining the results of your hyperhidrosis treatment involves diligent aftercare and following your aesthetics practitioner’s instructions. Proper post-treatment care can significantly extend the efficacy of your procedure and enhance overall satisfaction.

Gentle Cleansing

Use mild, fragrance-free cleansers on treated areas to avoid irritation and maintain skin health.

Avoid Excessive Heat

Steer clear of saunas, hot tubs, and intense exercise for the first 24-48 hours post-treatment to prevent excessive sweating and potential complications.

Lifestyle Modifications for Hyperhidrosis Management

Certain lifestyle changes can complement your hyperhidrosis treatment and help prolong its effects.

Breathable Fabrics

Opt for moisture-wicking, breathable clothing materials like cotton or specialised athletic wear to manage residual sweating.

Stress Management

Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to reduce stress-induced sweating and maintain treatment efficacy.

Skincare Regimen for Hyperhidrosis-Prone Areas

Implementing a tailored skincare routine can support the longevity of your hyperhidrosis treatment results.

Antiperspirant Application

Continue using prescribed or recommended antiperspirants as directed by your practitioner, even if sweating has significantly reduced.


Gentle exfoliation can help maintain clear pores and enhance the effectiveness of topical treatments, but avoid harsh scrubs that may irritate treated skin.

Dietary Considerations for Hyperhidrosis Control

Your diet can influence sweat production and potentially impact the longevity of your treatment results.

Hydration Balance

Maintain proper hydration without overhydrating, as excessive fluid intake can stimulate sweat glands.

Trigger Foods

Identify and moderate consumption of foods that may trigger excessive sweating, such as spicy dishes or caffeinated beverages.

Follow-Up Appointments for Hyperhidrosis Treatment

Regular check-ins with your aesthetics practitioner are crucial for maintaining optimal results.

Treatment Adjustments

Attend scheduled follow-ups to allow your practitioner to assess the treatment’s effectiveness and make any necessary adjustments to your management plan.

Maintenance Sessions

Book recommended maintenance treatments in advance to ensure consistent results and prevent a full return of symptoms.

Monitoring and Documenting Hyperhidrosis Symptoms

Keeping track of your symptoms can help you and your practitioner optimise your long-term management strategy.

Sweat Diary

Maintain a log of sweating patterns, triggers, and treatment effects to provide valuable insights for future consultations.

Progress Photos

Take periodic photos of treated areas (if appropriate) to objectively track improvements and identify any changes over time.

Complementary Therapies for Hyperhidrosis

Exploring additional treatments can enhance and prolong the effects of your primary hyperhidrosis management approach.


For palmar or plantar hyperhidrosis, consider at-home iontophoresis treatments to complement professional procedures and extend results.

Botulinum Toxin Touch-Ups

If you’ve received botulinum toxin injections, discuss the timing of touch-up treatments with your practitioner to maintain consistent sweat reduction.

Environmental Adaptations for Hyperhidrosis Patients

Making changes to your immediate environment can support the effectiveness of your hyperhidrosis treatment.

Temperature Control

Optimise your living and working spaces with proper ventilation and cooling systems to reduce sweat-triggering situations.

Moisture-Wicking Accessories

Invest in specialised products like sweat-absorbing seat covers or bedding to manage any residual sweating and maintain comfort.

Maintaining the results of your hyperhidrosis treatment requires a multifaceted approach combining proper aftercare, lifestyle adjustments, and ongoing management strategies. By following these guidelines and working closely with your aesthetics practitioner, you can maximise the longevity of your treatment effects and enjoy improved quality of life. Remember that everyone’s experience with hyperhidrosis is unique, so don’t hesitate to discuss personalised maintenance strategies with your healthcare provider to ensure the best possible outcomes for your specific situation.

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